Get the best clean with Airflow.

When you have a check up and clean (previously known as a scale and clean) at Cameron and Co Dental you’ll experience the most comfortable and relaxing professional teeth cleaning imaginable. We use an advanced system called Airflow, which combines air, warm water and powder, to comfortably and efficiently remove plaque and stains.

We are currently offering a package for a check up and clean (with Airflow), plus a take home whitening kit for $300.


Good oral hygiene makes
your whole body smile.

Controlling plaque and preventing gum disease is an essential part of maintaining good overall health. In fact, it can help you avoid numerous chronic conditions such as diabetes, cognitive decline and cardiovascular disease.

Twice a day remember to:
• Rinse for 60 seconds with a bicarb rinse made from a teaspoon of bicarb and 250ml of lukewarm water
• Clean between teeth with floss, interdental brushes or a water flosser
• Brush for at least 2 minutes
• Run your tongue over your teeth and if they feel furry, clean again
• If you see any bleeding, clean again
• Spit out after brushing but don’t rinse for a mini-fluoride treatment


We preserve your natural smile with a gentle approach.

At Cameron and Co Dental, we practice minimal intervention dentistry. This modern approach allows teeth to heal with the right saliva pH, the right diet, the right toothpaste and the right dental treatment including concentrated fluoride varnish and fissure sealants. It is the least invasive and the most patient-friendly treatment for preventing, stopping or reversing early decay. Our commitment is to keep you comfortable, happy and healthy.


Keep your mouth and body healthy with daily brushing and flossing, drinking plenty of water and eating healthily.


When you visit us for a check up and clean your hygienist will develop a course of treatment for you and give you personalised advice for maintaining your dental health and hygiene between visits.


Family care for all ages.

Careful attention to your dental health and hygiene can help maintain your smile for life. But there are particular aspects of your oral health that should be closely monitored and managed during each stage of life.

Remember to make a time for your regular check-ups. and subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Facebook or Instagram or read our latest news.

Life tends to fly by so we can all do with the occasional reminder to stay on top of our health. 




Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Pregnancy

We recommend that both you and your partner visit us for a checkup, treatment and advice prior to the birth (or ideally conception).

Not only does it mean a safer, healthier pregnancy, it safeguards the dental health of your newborn.

Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes in your diet due to nausea or cravings, can lead to an increase in tooth decay.

Snacks that are low in sugar, salt and fat, yet high in fibre, help to prevent decay and promote general health. A low-acid diet is advised – cut down on fruit juices and soft drinks.

There is an increased risk of gingivitis caused by an excess of bacterial plaque compounded by hormonal changes.

This can be prevented by conscientious flossing, brushing and rinsing, and regular check-ups at Cameron&Co.



Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Babies

Bring your baby to see us by the time they are 12 months.

Cameron and Co Dental recommend that you lift your baby’s top lip regularly to check the gum line for early tooth decay.

Your baby’s first teeth are necessary for chewing and speaking but are also the space holders for their adult teeth. If baby teeth are lost early to tooth decay, this can lead to crooked teeth.

Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Babies

It is essential for parents to maintain meticulous oral hygiene.

Parents with dental decay and gum disease can easily spread their germs through a kiss on the mouth or the sharing of food, cups, spoons or toothbrushes.

Breastfeeding is one of the secrets to creating beautiful kids’ faces, but sometimes babies can’t feed properly because their tongues are tied to the floor of the mouth.

At Cameron and Co Dental we can gently laser tongue ties in small infants so babies can latch on and swallow normally.  Want more advice? Give us a call.



Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Kids

Creating good habits early will help ensure your kids smile for life.

Brushing their teeth twice a day from an early age is an effective way to reduce the risk of cavities. Even after the age of seven, it’s wise for parents to check on kids to ensure they do it correctly. Play some of their favourite music and brush for the length of a song. Songs are normally around two minutes long – a perfect amount of time to brush.

Nurture a love of wholesome foods and sticking to mealtimes in order to avoid decay. And with regular dental check ups we can detect early signs of decay and remineralise the tooth before a filling is needed.

Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Teenagers

Under the Child Dental benefits schedule (CDBS) Cameron and Co Dental provide $1000 of preventative and maintenance treatments.

Contact us to find out if you are eligible.



Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Hygiene

Stay conscious of your sugar intake.

We all know that too much sugar is bad for our teeth and our bodies, and trust us when we say, we know how hard it is to limit our intake.

It's recommended our we have maximum 6 teaspoons a day but Australians consume more than 27 teaspoons every day!

Next time you reach for a drink remember that 
a cup of apple juice has six teaspoons 
and a can of cola has ten teaspoons.

Also, keep in mind that cavity-causing germs cannot tell the difference between the sugar in processed foods and those in fruits, honey and maple syrup. Snack mindfully and try and reduce the amount and frequency to mealtimes.

Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Hygiene

Choose water as often as possible.

Citric acid is found in household cleaners, but it is also added to many manufactured foods and drinks as a preservative and flavouring agent.

You’ll find it as food additive #330 in lemon, lime and fruit-flavoured juices, cordials, soft drinks and lollies.

In the mouth acids soften and dissolve enamel, making it easier for brushing to wear enamel away. Avoid these foods and drinks to avoid sensitive, yellow teeth from acid wear.



Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Hygiene

Healthy teeth and gums enable us to continue eating the wide variety of foods we need.

Lack of preventive dental care can lead to problems ranging from nutritional deficiencies to communication problems to debilitating diseases. 

Of particular concern for seniors are dental cavities (especially on the root surfaces), gum disease (the single leading cause of adult tooth loss), oral disease/oral cancer, dental stomatitis (irritation of the tissue under a denture), dry mouth, tooth erosion and tooth sensitivity (resulting from worn enamel or receding gum tissue). Come and see us at Cameron and Co Dental and we can help.

Cameron and Co Townsville Dentist Hygiene

Sensitive teeth should be brushed gently with a soft toothbrush.

Spit but don’t rinse so the toothpaste can be absorbed into the tooth surface to desensitise the nerve endings.

A dry mouth is dangerous because the mouth becomes acidic allowing the harmful germs thrive. It can often be treated by altering medication (consult your doctor) or using saliva stimulating or artificial saliva substances (available from your chemist). Drink plenty of water even if you’re not thirsty and rinse frequently.